VAT overview

Estimate in USD

Lease to own conditions

USD $100
Monthly Payment
Price overview

Full ownership after22 months

Long term service fee10%

Total purchase price 2,200

Estimate in USD

Estimate in USD is for sale

is for sale

at, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions).

"the border between Mexico and the United States"


in the middle of

with one … on either side



in the period separating (two points in time).

"they snack between meals"


in the interval separating (two points on a scale).

"a man aged between 18 and 30"


indicating a connection or relationship involving two or more parties.

"links between science and industry"








with reference to a collision or conflict.

"a collision in midair between two light aircraft above Geneva"

with reference to a choice or differentiation involving two or more things being considered together.

"if you have to choose between two or three different options"


by combining the resources or actions of (two or more people or other entities).

"we have created something between us"

shared by (two or more people or things).

"they had drunk between them a bottle of Chianti"


adverb: between


in or along the space separating two objects or regions.

"layers of paper with tar in between"


in the period separating two points in time.

"sets of exercises with no rest in between"

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    When you buy a domain name at, you’re automatically covered by our Buyer Protection Program. Our unique & carefully designed domain ownership transfer process is the best rated service in the market.

    Buyer Protection Program

    When you buy a domain name at, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program. Read more about how we keep you safe on our [Trust and Security](%{trust_and_security_url}) page. Next to our secure domain ownership transfer process, we strictly monitor all transactions. If anything looks weird, we take immediate action. And if the seller doesn't deliver on their part of the deal, we refund you within 24 hours.

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    Fast & easy transfers

    98% of all domain ownership transfers are completed within 24 hours. The seller first delivers the domain to us, then we send you your tailored transfer instructions. Need help? Our domain ownership transfer specialists will assist you at no additional cost.

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    Hassle free payments

    Pay by bank wire and get a 1% discount or use one of the most popular payment options available through our payment processor, Adyen. Adyen is the payment platform of choice for many leading tech companies like Uber & eBay.

    Hassle free payments

    We partner with Adyen to safely handle payments. It’s the payment platform of choice for many leading companies — including ours.

    Popular payment methods

    Adyen lets you pay your way. Including VISA, Mastercard, PayPal, iDEAL and more.


    With RevenueProtect, an integrated risk management system, Adyen guarantees your safety. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller.

    Growth partner

    Adyen partners with the world’s top brands to boost their growth to new heights.

We get these questions a lot

Your burning questions about domain sales, answered.

How does your domain ownership transfer process work?

No matter what kind of domain you want to buy, lease or rent, we make the transfer simple and safe. It works like this:

Step 1: You buy, rent or lease the domain name

You will find the available purchasing options set by the seller for the domain name on the right side of this page.

Step 2: We facilitate the transfer from the seller to you

Our transfer specialists will send you tailored transfer instructions and assist you with the process to obtain the domain name. On average, within 24 hours the domain name is all yours.

Step 3: Now that the domain is officially in your hands, we pay the seller.

And we’re done! Unless you require our assistance. Our transfer team is available for free post-transfer assistance.

Which payment options do you accept?
We support the following payment options: Bank wire, Visa, MasterCard, iDeal, ApplePay, GooglePay, MisterCash, Sofort, Paypal, AliPay, WeChatPay, and Bitcoin.
Do I have to pay for your services?
No, our Domain Ownership Transfer service is free of charge for domain buyers. The domain seller takes care of our commission.

Get this domain

Pay the full USD $2,000 now, or select Lease to own

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USD $100
Monthly Payment
Full ownership after 22 months

  • )Free Ownership transfer
  • )Free Transaction support
  • )Secure payments

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